Back today with a Q&A! We get sooooo many questions about birth control and whether they are “good or bad” for you. We dig in to the risks (i.e. stroke, clotting, inflammation, oxidative stress, nutrient deficiencies) and the impact on other hormones (progesterone, thyroid, gut health, ghrelin, etc.) and how you can know what’s best for you. As always, no judgement from us AT ALL! We aim in this show to give you all the options and talk about the stuff your prescriber often doesn’t as well as charge all of our listeners with educating young girls about their options.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about the Pill in particular is that almost 60% of women are NOT using it solely for contraception but to manage other issues such as acne, heavy bleeding, irregular periods, PMS mood issues or headaches and we want you to know you have more options than the Pill! And in the case of these non-contraception issues the options are BETTER as the Pill will not treat any part of the underlying cause (great at symptom management in many cases but not the cause) and those issues are still there and often times worse after coming off the Pill. Juicy conversation for sure! We also field a “what do I do when my kitchen is being renovated and I can’t cook for 3 months?” questions and how to start to wean a reluctant toddler.
As always, keep those questions coming to! Follow us on Facebook together or keep up with Dr Brooke here and Sarah here. Learn more about working with Dr Brooke at and with Sarah at (obviously). Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and Sarah on Instagram as well.
Eeek! This was an informative episode to say the least but your palms may get a little sweaty listening to our guest discuss the impacts of EMFs or electromagnetic frequencies that are buzzing around all of us all the time. We discussed common sources of EMFs in our homes and workplaces, some very simple strategies to decrease their impact and we pondered what makes some of us more sensitive than others to these little buggers.
Dr Libby Darnell was our guest and she has developed an incredible expertise on this subject after fighting her own battle to win back her health that was deteriorating in part to her sensitivity to EMFs. This was fascinating information and it’s stuff so many of us are unaware of! Are EMFs driving us all to an early grave? Probably not, but they are affecting us and it’s something we can take actionable, doable steps towards decreasing to optimize our health and certainly something we may want to think of in chronic illnesses that don’t seem to be getting better.
So tune in and learn about grounding or earthing, why you shouldn’t work on a plugged in laptop or sleep next to a plugged in smart phone, safer travel tips, what the heck a Stetzer meter is and why you may want to stand on a piece of tinfoil for a minute after you run on the treadmill. Seriously fascinating. Like always, knowing this stuff can easily freak us out! But this is the world we live in, we can’t possibly escape this entirely so you do as much as you can as often as you can. That’s how you “be better”.
Learn more about Dr Libby Darnell here and grab her free guide with 10 steps you can do to keep you and your family safe from EMFs. Such great info and easy to employ all of these without moving to a remote mountain village away from civilization!
As always, keep those questions coming to! Follow us on Facebook together or keep up with Dr Brooke here and Sarah here. Learn more about working with Dr Brooke at and with Sarah at (obviously). Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and Sarah on Instagram as well.
No sugar coating in this episode, but it will change your life. So there’s that.
Change…hard right? We say we want X, Y or Z and have a thousand and one reasons why we can’t pull it off. We have excuses for days and a list of people and circumstances to blame: we have kids, our partner isn’t supportive, not enough time, not enough money, we’re too old, and on and on it goes. It’s always something or someone else that’s holding us back right? Well, today’s guest life coach, founder of the Handel Method and author of a new book, Lauren Zander is here to say, “Actually, maybe it’s you.”
Guess what: it is. And it’s us too. This is the human condition, the light and the dark, the good and the bad. When we face that, get honest, get brave enough to take responsibility for what we want and what’s not working in our lives, anything is possible. Lauren has such a unique approach and touches on all the stuff we are too scared to talk about: our heartfelt dreams, dishonesty (we are all a bunch of liars by the way, who knew??), getting clean with our parents and our past, tuning in to the crazy voices we listen to in our head and why we need to motivate with promises vs. rewards (this is revolutionary!). Grab her new book here, learn more about Lauren here and by all means drop everything and listen to this episode! We can’t wait to hear what changes for you.
As always, keep those questions coming to! Follow us on Facebook together or keep up with Dr Brooke here and Sarah here. Learn more about working with Dr Brooke at and with Sarah at (obviously). Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and on Instagram as well.
We were due for a Q&A ladies and today's the day! We covered a question that comes in to us a hundred different ways: what testing should you get to assess your hormones? So we walked through the difference between blood/serum, saliva and urine testing, the pros and cons, accuracy and the most important part: is that test evaluating what you really need to know about? There was also a great question about spotting with ovulation so we gave a quick tutorial on interpreting menses and hormone related bleeding as well as reminding you all to always look past the ovaries when thinking about an estrogen-progesterone problem by evaluating stress, sleep, diet, and of course thyroid. Finally we tackled a big, big question on lowering cholesterol without statin medications. Is a swap for a more natural cholesterol lowering supplement the way to go? Or is it part of a much bigger issue?
As always, keep those questions coming to! Follow us on Facebook together or keep up with Dr Brooke here and Sarah here. Learn more about working with Dr Brooke at and with Sarah at (obviously). Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and Sarah on Instagram as well.
In this episode we have the Paleo Powerhouse behind Harder To Kill Radio and Stupid Easy Paleo, Ms. Steph Gaudreau. Having long followed Steph’s fabulous recipes and generally bad-assery on her blog and social media, it was a treat to have her on the show talking about strength in a bigger sense including physical, mental and spiritual. She is putting this message out into the world in a big, big way with her upcoming Women’s Strength Summit. This is the second online event Steph’s done to pull together top experts not only on strength and fitness but also on empowerment, mindset and women’s health. Join her for the summit here.
We also touched on a little something that happened on Instagram last weekend: body shaming. A post Steph put up of herself in the gym garnered some criticism of her own body and she bravely took the opportunity to have a tough conversation. You can read all about it on her blog but tune in here as well and hear what all three of us had to say about strength, criticism, owning your power and the responsibility we all have to help and inspire each other. In short, don’t miss this one!
As always, keep those questions coming to! Follow us on Facebook together or keep up with Dr Brooke here and Sarah here. Learn more about working with Dr Brooke at and with Sarah at (obviously). Oh and you can find Dr Brooke and Sarah on Instagram as well.