We had the amazing Dr Carrie Jones, ND, MPH join us on this episode to talk about hormone testing via various methods: serum (blood testing), saliva and dried urine. We talk about the value in each type of testing and what unique things they can show us. Dr. Jones is the medical director of Precision Analytical, makers of the DUTCH test.
We also dove into the controversial and very big topic of hormone replacement for women. While this is a subject that clearly needs its own episode - truly needs a series of episodes - we discussed some considerations for each woman to have in mind as they determine with their provider if HRT is right for them.
For more info about Dr. Jones see her educational IG!
This episode is sponsored by BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link and using code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction.
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