You’re sitting down right? As we’ve eluded to in the past few months there’s a lot going on over here! Professionally things are amazing with the book coming out and all and we’ve had so much support for our work and this podcast lately, it’s been just incredible! Thank you.
But as life tends to go, sometimes when one area is going great things can fall apart in another.
When we started working together we vowed to be the #antiguru and keep it very real for you. Yes we are the experts but we are also women just like you. We struggle, we fall down, we get up, we grow. We see no point it putting on a facade that everything is always perfect for us all the time – even if it looks that way on Instagram.
We are real women just like you – wives, mothers, business owners, sisters, friends and more. Thanks to our expertise we have a lot tools to handle life, our fitness and our health but sometimes things in our world get real messy too. Like you we want to run away from that, avoid it, distract ourselves and keep on truckin’. It’s human, it’s normal but we’ve both been very intentional about sitting with the pain, marinating in the hot water as we say in order to learn and grow from these tough times so that we can share our insights and new tools with you.
We can’t do that if we don’t share with you exactly what’s been going on, how we’ve messed it up, what’s working and what’s not. So this episode is a pull back of the ol’ curtain. In it we are raw and vulnerable and trust that our best service to you all is to show up imperfectly real and 100% honest during this messy time.
In this show we talk about how our thinking on self-care has evolved given recent events and what we think are the most important aspects of this key concept that has been boiled down to massages and manicures. We talk about how thinking positive may not always been the best way to learn the lesson and we share our fears and worries about our health and our relationships.
Grab a cup of tea or glass of wine and listen in, it’s about to get real.