Should you keto, carnivore or high carb? Should you fast or eat frequently? Actually, while some strategies will work better for you than others, most of us want to be able to do all of the above a bit better. In this show, Dr. Tyna Moore, DC, ND joins us to talk about the benefits of being more metabolically flexible, being able to use various macros for fuel with more ease and why we ideally want to not be on such a tight rope with our blood sugar and hormones for both our metabolic and immune system health.
Keep up with Dr. Tyna on her Instagram.
Sponsoring this show is NED that amazing full spectrum hemp oil we love so much. Use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout to save save 15%.
Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
And we can’t wait to see you all in person! Our spring retreat was postponed to fall which means you can still register! Get signed up for our retreat to be held in Chico, CA October 15-18, 2020 and you save $100 with code EARLYBIRD20 at checkout.