The man himself, best selling author and host of the very popular podcast: The Model Health Show, Mr. Shawn Stevenson is here! We talk all about his new book Eat Smarter and did our best to cover as many of the gems in this book as possible but there are far too many to fit into one show.
We take a big picture view of your brain and how much brain health impacts your health and how much YOU can impact your brain with your food choices. Hear Shawn’s take on food-mood, why we eat what we eat, how to think about macros and a whole lot more.
Get your copy of Eat Smarter wherever books are sold. Learn more here.
This episode is sponsored by BluBlox makers of the most effective blue light blockers on the market (that block 100% of the light that impacts your cortisol and melatonin timing) which are available with or without a prescription as well as a new fav of ours, their computer eye strain glasses called Blulite - great for adults and kids! BluBlox also has glasses called Summer Glow for seasonal affective disorder and their new red light therapy box: the Hive.
Check them all out at and save 15% off your first offer with code: BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
This episode is sponsored by the incredible, wildcrafted, full spectrum NED hemp oil with their growing line of products including formulas for female hormone balance and their new sleep blend. Save 15% on your first order with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
This episode takes you through the foundational mindset tools from Hangry: the Five Pillars. These pillars are a framework to live your life from including how to commit to what works for you when it comes to food, exercise and lifestyle - especially when it’s hard to, how to decrease overwhelm, how to be less self-critical and more nurturing to yourself and perhaps the hardest of all: how to be more of who you truly are.
It’s a lot. It’s juicy. It’s a lifelong process but these tenants will help you create more of a life you love, find more joy and become more resilient in the face of stress.
Get a FREE printable guide for these amazing tools including the how-tos for each pillar. Grab that here.
This episode is sponsored by BluBlox makers of the most effective blue light blockers on the market (that block 100% of the light that impacts your cortisol and melatonin timing) which are available with or without a prescription as well as a new fav of ours, their computer eye strain glasses called Blulite - great for adults and kids! BluBlox also has glasses called Summer Glow for seasonal affective disorder and their new red light therapy box: the Hive.
Check them all out at and save 15% off your first offer with code: BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
This episode is sponsored by the incredible, wildcrafted, full spectrum NED hemp oil with their growing line of products including formulas for female hormone balance and their new sleep blend. Save 15% on your first order with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
I’ve used this formula to help my patients change their habits for nearly ten years and I’m super excited it to break it all down for you in this episode. Habits are like reps at the gym, you want to do them right and keep putting in the time. It’s like a bank account of self-trust and mini-results - which is a hard sell in a quick fix world. I also touch on the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, which is an easy framework for habit change as well.
So tune in and learn how a habit works, where to intervene in the habit cycle or loop for better success and tips and tricks for getting more willpower.
And if you want to have me help you fine-tune and create what works for your hormones with the 5 Habits from Hangry get registered here! We start in just 2 days!
You’ll get five weekend and TEN coaching sessions with me! This is double the coaching I’ve ever done in these groups. Get all the details and get registered right here! What a great way to make 2021 BETTER!!!
2020 was one for the books in every way. So much struggle, so much strife yet so many important lessons and amidst the bad there was good also. I for one feel very much like a chapter is ending and a new one is beginning. That sense of completing a cycle was so strong I reached out to Mallory Leone to talk me through the energetics of this time in our lives and we had the most fun, interesting, hopeful conversation. I hope this show takes you into the new year ready to make some magic and create something incredible that makes you and your life better.
Mallory is the founder of Four Corners Studio, an online offering of magical education, kits and tools, and unique 1:1 energy healings rooted in lineage techniques. Learn more about her work here.
And let’s kick of 2021 in the healthiest way possible! Join me for the Hangry Hormone Reset which kicks off January 6, 2020! You’ll get five weekend and TEN sessions with me! This is double the coaching I’ve ever done in these groups. Get all the details and get registered right here! What a great way to make 2021 BETTTER!!!
This episode is sponsored by BluBlox makers of the most effective blue light blockers on the market (that block 100% of the light that impacts your cortisol and melatonin timing) which are available with or without a prescription as well as a new fav of ours, their computer eye strain glasses called Blulite - great for adults and kids! BluBlox also has glasses called Summer Glow for seasonal affective disorder and their new red light therapy box: the Hive.
Check them all out at and save 15% off your first offer with code: BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.