Dr Joan Rosenberg joins us today to talk about her Rosenberg Reset and the tools from her great book: 90 Seconds To A Life You Love. Learn what anxiety is covering up, how to master the eight uncomfortable feelings such as disappointment, shame, anger and sadness, and how to be more resilient and confident. Such practical and do-able - yet life-changing - tools, don’t miss this episode!
Learn more about Dr Rosenberg and get her free guide to How To Develop Confidence here.
This episode is sponsored by BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link and using code BETTEREVERYDAY. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction. Great stocking stuffer idea!
And holy yummy energy boosting snacks ladies! You’ve gotta try Superfat. These handy, resealable pouches with blends of nut and coconut butter, MCT oils are the perfect on the go low carb snack. Save 15% off your first order at Superfat.com with code BETTEREVERYDAY.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
She’s back, the Environmental Toxins Nerd: Lara Adler. Always such a wealth of information we’re thrilled to have Lara back and we dug into how big a deal it is to eat non-organic foods...or is it? This is a big, juicy episode you won’t want to miss!
Learn more about Lara’s work here.
This episode is also sponsored by another great product for sleep and enhanced recovery and that’s NED full spectrum hemp oil. Save 15% off on our fav CBD products from NED!
Finally, a new sponsor of our show is Comrad Socks the cutest, most effective compression socks you’ve ever seen! And these impressive socks are great for travel, if you sit all day or if for any reason you deal with decreased circulation and water retention. They are also ideal for pregnancy, hiking and even post workout for enhanced muscle recovery. Save an amazing 20% off your first order with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Get on the waitlist for our January 2020 Hangry B*tches program here! We rarely do these live coached programs anymore, so don’t miss your change to get our help!
Coach Amy Smith, the Joy Junkie, is back! Quick PSA there’s a bit of cursing in this episode so if that’s not your bag or you normally listen around young ears just a heads up. But we hope that doesn’t stop you from getting so much goodness from Amy’s direct, practical advice on navigating dicey issues with family, food and self-care this holiday season - or any day of the week really!
Learn more about Amy here.
This episode is also sponsored by another great product for sleep and enhanced recovery and that’s NED full spectrum hemp oil. Save 15% off on our fav CBD products from NED!
Finally: BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction. Great stocking stuffer idea!
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
In this episode we are joined by the lovely Samantha Gladish, holistic nutritionist and hormone helper. She shares all about her new book “The 30 Day Hormone Solution” and her best tips for stress management and how to implement the most important daily habits for better hormonal balance.
Learn more about Samantha’s book here and get some great bonuses when you pre-order!
And holy yummy energy boosting snacks ladies! You’ve gotta try Superfat. These handy, resealable pouches with blends of nut and coconut butter, MCT oils are the perfect on the go low carb snack. Save 15% off your first order at Superfat.com with code BETTEREVERYDAY.
Finally, a new sponsor of our show is Comrad Socks the cutest, most effective compression socks you’ve ever seen! And these impressive socks are great for travel, if you sit all day or if for any reason you deal with decreased circulation and water retention. They are also ideal for pregnancy, hiking and even post workout for enhanced muscle recovery. Save an amazing 20% off your first order with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Get on the waitlist for our January 2020 Hangry B*tches program here! We rarely do these live coached programs anymore, so don’t miss your change to get our help!
It’s our annual Thanksgiving show! We share our menus and favorite recipes as well as how we’re navigating the unique challenges to our health and self-care this time of year. And a quick reminder that we are so thankful to you, our faithful listeners! Thanks so much for being here.
Here are the links for recipes we mentioned in the show:
Dr Brooke’s Happy Hormones Holiday Menu
Sarah’s Brussel Sprouts & Garlic Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Sponsors of today’s show include BluBlox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Also, a new sponsor of our show is Comrad Socks the cutest, most effective compression socks you’ve ever seen! And these impressive socks are great for travel, if you sit all day or if for any reason you deal with decreased circulation and water retention. They are also ideal for pregnancy, hiking and even post workout for enhanced muscle recovery. Save an amazing 20% off your first order with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Finally: BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction. Great stocking stuffer idea!
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
In this episode, functional medicine doc Dr Shelly Sethi joins us to share her best tools for helping women lessen the impact of stress through breathing and meditation as well as some awesome tips for getting the most healing properties out of your spice rack. Dr Sethi shares tips for mixing spices to pack a bigger health promoting punch and we can all get behind those simple ways that we can do better.
Learn more about Dr Sethi and her book Built To Thrive here. And get her free giveaway mentioned in the show here!
Sponsors of today’s show include BluBlox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
And holy yummy energy boosting snacks ladies! You’ve gotta try Superfat. These handy, resealable pouches with blends of nut and coconut butter, MCT oils are the perfect on the go low carb snack. Save 15% off your first order at Superfat.com with code BETTEREVERYDAY.
Finally, a new sponsor of our show is Comrad Socks the cutest, most effective compression socks you’ve ever seen! And these impressive socks are great for travel, if you sit all day or if for any reason you deal with decreased circulation and water retention. They are also ideal for pregnancy, hiking and even post workout for enhanced muscle recovery. Save an amazing 20% off your first order with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
We’ve been there: scared to give up a workout because you crave the high afterwards, afraid to step away from intense work lest you gain ten pounds overnight, or just totally unsure about changing your workout to something completely new. And we know many of you are there right now, so we wanted to dedicate a full episode to this topic and hopefully put some of your minds at ease. You may love your workout for a lot of reasons, but if your results are lacking or your hormones are hating it, it’s time for a change. We hope this episode helps you understand what will work better for you and help you make the switch with less fear and anxiety about it all.
This episode is also sponsored by another great product for sleep and enhanced recovery and that’s NED full spectrum hemp oil. Save 15% off on our fav CBD products from NED!
And this episode was sponsored as well by the amazing propolis products from BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction.
Finally, holy yummy energy boosting snacks ladies! You’ve gotta try Superfat. These handy, resealable pouches with blends of nut and coconut butter, MCT oils are the perfect on the go low carb snack. Save 15% off your first order at Superfat.com with code BETTEREVERYDAY.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
While we chase wealth, beauty, talent, etc. isn’t what we really want to be comfortable in our own skin? Should we always distract, avoid or otherwise tamp down uncomfortable emotions like shame, anxiety, upset, anger, etc. with medications, food, alcohol, shopping or even positive psychology? We tackle all of this and more with NYTimes Bestselling Author, Dr Kelly Brogan which we wish could have talked for hours! Learn more about Dr Brogan and get her new book here.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
Sponsors of this episode include truly two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And this episode was sponsored as well by the amazing propolis products from BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction. I’m in love!
Today Sarah shares what’s been going on in her life with a sudden move out of her home and a debilitating health issue she’s battling. We also cover a few questions about getting started with the program in our book Hangry: how to swap in exercises you love, troubleshooting if you’re not feeling great during Week 1 of the HB Hormone Reset (hint: it’s not a detox reaction if you feel crappy!) and how to better make this plan you own.
Be sure you’re following Dr Brooke for the FREE Virtual Hangry Book Club on her Facebook and Instagram page. Next session (for Week 2) is October 26th, 1PM Eastern and then for the following three Mondays at 1PM Eatsern.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
Sponsors of this episode include truly two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And this episode was sponsored as well by the amazing propolis products from BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction. I’m in love!
Life, right? It doesn’t always conspire for you to have an optimal schedule, abundant energy, and the support of everyone and everything around you to eat, exercise, rest and practice self-care the way you want to. In this episode we talk about the reality that you will ebb and flow between what works for you and what doesn’t, hopefully in time less and less OR getting back to what works quicker. And what about the ol’ wagon you’re supposed to stay on? Hear what we actually think about that and why that analogy makes us feel safe.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
Sponsors of today’s show include BluBlox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
This episode was also sponsored by the amazing propolis products from BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction. I’m in love!
Finally, wanna take your cooking up a notch? You gotta sign up for the most divine olive oil delivered to your door each month. You’re gonna love Fresh Pressed Olive Oil and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
Holistic healing practitioner, Syanna Wand joined us for this episode to share her insight on where we go wrong trying to love our bodies, how we can heal in a deeper way and what we can take from painful experiences and trauma to live a more connected, fulfilled life. She’s such a gem, we were so lucky to spend this time with her and we hope you love this beautiful episode.
To learn more about Syanna, follow her on Instagram.
Sponsors of today’s show include BluBlox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and extra resources here!
This stealthy little infection is prevalent, persistent (in that it can reactivate) and can cause some people a lot of trouble because it takes up residence in pretty much any tissue so it can cause everything from brain fog to joint pain to it’s most common symptom: debilitating fatigue. As well it can be behind a variety of unresolving hormone issues. In this episode we have the amazing Kasia Kines, a doctor of clinical nutrition (fellow Bastyr grad) and epstein-Barr virus expert to shed some light on this pesky virus, how it behaves, why it’s hard to get your doc to test you for it and the diet and lifestyle things you can do to feel better if you’re dealing with EBV. You can learn more about Kasia here and get more information on her online program here.
Do you have your copy of Hangry yet? If so,we can’t wait to hear how it’s going! Be sure you connect with us in our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Want a little help with the program? Check out what we made for you!
If you love Hangry please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t got your copy yet, you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Sponsors of today’s show include BluBlox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
This episode is also sponsored by another great product for sleep and enhanced recovery and that’s NED full spectrum hemp oil. Save 15% off on our fav CBD products from NED!
And wanna take your cooking up a notch? You gotta sign up for the most divine olive oil delivered to your door each month. You’re gonna love Fresh Pressed Olive Oil and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
You wanna eat something….but why? Are you hungry cuz you need to actually eat? Is your appetite being driven by a hormonal imbalance? Are you avoiding, distracting or trying not to feel sad, frustrated, angry, anxious, etc.? Or do you feel like you should eat something but don’t feel like it sounds good or you don’t have the appetite for it? Are you mistaking a craving for hunger because you’re overexercising or under eating? Confusing, huh? In this episode we break down the difference between normal hunger cues, hormonal appetite dysregulation and cravings to help you use our Hangry B*tch Reset in our book Hangry and to understand your ACES biofeedback (appetite, cravings, energy and sleep) better.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t yet grabbed a copy you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of this episode include two of our fav companies: adaptogen elixirs from Four Sigmatic and delicious, sent to your door monthly, fresh pressed olive oil! Use these links to grab goodies from Four Sigmatic and Fresh Pressed Olive Oil and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And this episode was sponsored as well by the amazing propolis products from BeeKeeper’s Naturals. You can check out our interview with founder, Carly, here and learn more than you ever imagined about propolis! And you can save 15% off your first order with this link. Try the throat spray, amazing for virus prevention and treatment as well as helping to quell a histamine reaction. I’m in love!
You’ve likely been told you can reset your hormones with this hot new cleanse, detox or supplement, but is it true? Can you really “reset” a hormone? We tackle that as well as how to take the wins from a quick fix and turn them into longer lasting habits and success.
Get the free guide to restoring stress hormone balance that we mention in the show here.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include BluBlox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
This episode is also sponsored by another great product for sleep and enhanced recovery and that’s NED full spectrum hemp oil. Save 15% off on our fav CBD products from NED!
Oh so much incredible info in this episode with the amazing Jennifer Fugo! She is a clinical nutritionist with a masters in human nutrition and a past sufferer of digestion woes and a truly terrible case of eczema. Her personal struggle with such a challenging skin issue led her to the work she does today and she’s truly an expert in this area.
In this show she shared with us where alternative practitioners go wrong treating the skin, educated us about “leaky skin” (not unlike leaky gut), schooled us on not using topical coconut oil as lotion (whoa!) and a wealth of other info including what to eat if you have skin issues and her take on the role of food sensitivities in skin troubles (her answer will surprise you!).
Learn more about Jennifer, her work and her podcast - Skinterupt - here.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of this episode include truly two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
In this super fun episode I’m joined by long time colleague, the gorgeous Esther Blum! Esther is an integrative nutritionist and real woman in the real world. On this show she tackles dietary restriction and gives some great practical advice for simple things you can do right now to feel less overwhelmed with the nutrition info out there.
Learn more about Esther and her upcoming 8 week online course here.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include BluBlox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout.
This episode is also sponsored by another great product for sleep and enhanced recovery and that’s NED full spectrum hemp oil. Save 15% off on our fav CBD products from NED!
In this episode we tackle some of the most common questions women ask us as they start working their way through our Hangry B*tch Reset from our book Hangry. Biggest areas we see confusion or the need for more support are how to switch to our strength training template, how to get started with bigger lifts (i.e. squat, deadlift, etc.) and how to find your Unique Carb Tolerance. So we tackle all that and help you sidestep going too low carb, getting injured and more in this show!
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t yet, you can still get Hangry and some great FREE bonuses here!
As mentioned in this episode, take your experience with Hangry to the next level with our online coaching program! Check that out here.
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include BLUblox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY when you checkout at www.BLUblox.com.
Other sponsors of this episode include our adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic and delicious, sent to your door monthly, fresh pressed olive oil! Use this link to grab goodies from Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
Our space, the environment around us, can help us feel at peace or have us feel out of sorts, uncomfortable and stressed out! In this episode, Katie Wells of the Maximized Minimalist shares her best tips for decluttering, where to start, how to do a little at a time and loads more cleaning up and clearing out advice. Learn more about Katy here.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t yet, you can still get Hangry and some great FREE bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include BLUblox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY when you checkout at www.BLUblox.com.
Other sponsors of this episode include two of our fav companies: adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic and delicious, sent to your door monthly, fresh pressed olive oil! Use these links to grab goodies from Four Sigmatic and Fresh Pressed Olive Oil and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
Fellow Bastyr University grad, Dr. Darin Ingels joins us to discuss that sneaky tick borne infection: Lyme Disease. We cover how to properly diagnose Lyme, what symptoms to watch out for, labs he trusts to accurately test for this infection and what treatments you can do to heal from this pesky bacteria.
Learn more about Lyme Disease and Dr. Ingels here and grab his book The Lyme Solution!
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include BLUblox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY when you checkout at www.BLUblox.com.
Other friends of the Sarah & Dr Brooke show include two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And a new sponsor of the show: Beekeeper’s Naturals! Save 15% using this link!
This was such a fun show for us to do! We covered five habits for better energy, improved stress hormone balance and lower inflammation that you can start today and are 100% free! We also covered five great tips to save money, budget wiser and generate more income to invest in yourself and your health. We understand that much of what we ask women to do for themselves can be a financial investment, and one not possible for all of our listeners so we were thrilled to put together this show for you!
To get the FREE Stress Hormone Reset Guide referenced in this episode, click here.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include Fresh Press Olive Oil which we’re in love with! Such a decadent way to upgrade your healthy cooking. Check them out here and get a delicious bottle of olive oil for just one dollar! Our next sponsor is BLUblox blue light blocking glasses which are stylish (seriously cute) and more effective than other blue light blockers and an easy way to reset your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep. They also have prescription lenses available AND green and blue light blocking lenses if you suffer from computer eye strain. Amazing! Save 15% with code BETTEREVERYDAY when you checkout at www.BLUblox.com.
Other friends of the Sarah & Dr Brooke show include two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And a new sponsor of the show: Beekeeper’s Naturals! Save 15% using this link!
Fat Burning Man, Abel James joins us for a talk well beyond nutrition and training and takes a deep dive into the toll modern living is taking on our joy, what it was like losing everything in a devastating fire and how we can foster more connection in our disconnected world.
Join us for this amazing episode and learn more about Abel and his new book here.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And a new sponsor of the show: Beekeeper’s Naturals! Save 15% using this link!
Pleased, oh so pleased, to welcome back to the show the simply wonderful Steph Gaudreau! We talked about her new book The Core 4 and her strategies for adding more vs. always focusing on taking away and restriction when it comes to nutrition and wellness. She shared her tips for achieving your goals and we took a detour down a long road about protein, vegetarian protein and meeting women where they are at.
Get more info on Steph’s new book here!
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And a new sponsor of the show: Beekeeper’s Naturals! Save 15% using this link!
Learn the difference between propolis, royal jelly, pollen and honey and how to save the bees in this incredibly informative podcast with the founder of Beekeeper’s Naturals! We dig into the immune modulating and boosting properties of propolis and got the inside scoop on Carly’s fabulous superfood propolis and honey products - yum!
Try out all of their healthy and tasty products and save 15% with this link!
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
In this episode, we had the incredible Kristina Bruce join us for an important conversation about body acceptance. Kristina shared her personal struggle to accept and love her body, a story nearly all of us can relate to 100%. We talked about the journey from neutrality to acceptance to positivity that many of us women need to travel to feel at home in our bodies. We loved this conversation and we know you will too.
To learn more about Kristina click here.
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And a new sponsor of the show: Beekeeper’s Naturals!
We’ve survived! A bit worse for the wear but so grateful. On this show we talk a bit about what’s been going on for us personally, especially with Sarah’s dad, and we answer a couple of common questions about supplements, multiple hormone imbalances and meal timing that we’re getting as you all get going with the Hangry B*tche Reset!
Thank you all so much for the outpouring of love about Hangry! If you’ve already dug in please leave us a review on Amazon - we appreciate it so much! If you haven’t you can still get Hangry and all the bonuses here!
Wanna connect with us after the podcast? Be sure you join our FREE PRIVATE Facebook group where we’re already hanging out with other amazing, like minded women like YOU! Join us!
Sponsors of today’s show include two of our fav products for stress management: hemp (CBD) oil from NED and adaptogen elixers from Four Sigmatic. Use these links to grab goodies from NED and Four Sigmatic and use code BETTEREVERYDAY at checkout and save 15%.
And a new sponsor of the show: Beekeeper’s Naturals!